Winning The Mental Wars

Being young does not exempt you from struggles, especially mental struggles. Mental battles are apart of life. Though some mental fights are tougher than others, with God’s help we can be victorious, happy, and at peace.

One of the best ways to overcome mental battles is with The Word of God.  Consider Isaiah 26:3 it says, You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Fight to keep your mind fixed and focused on the Word and not your problematic situation.  Don’t give up or quit.  Fight your way to victory.  You can and will win the fight with God’s strength, grace, and divine help.

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Over 25 years of pastoring youth and young adults under the leadership of Bishop Barry Walker in Carrollton, GA. By the grace of God, Pastor Baker shepherds young people weekly, host podcasts, writes blogs, has authored 4 books, and makes music. Pastor Baker has been happily married for over 27 years and fathers two sons.

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