Time Out

Life comes with many pressures. The choices, opposition, and battles we face can take a toll on the strongest of us. I have learned that at some point it is good to take a time out in order to refresh, reflect, and refocus.

Sometimes you have to just get away from it all. Whether it be a week long vacation, a three day trip, or a two hour drive somewhere. Turn the phone off, be unresponsive to social media, and get the heck out of dodge.

I use to think I needed thousands of dollars for a quick vacation. But I have learned that a trip to my favorite restaurant, a Blizzard from Dairy Queen, and a movie can be quite refreshing. I have even taken an hour to drive to a near by lake and walk around just to clear my mind and redshift my focus.

The writer of The Book of Ecclesiastes said in chapter 3 verse 1, To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. At some point families, marriages, young adults, and kids need a time out from the issues of life.

Find some quality time to take a step back, refresh, and refocus. I have found that it tremendously helps mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

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Over 25 years of pastoring youth and young adults under the leadership of Bishop Barry Walker in Carrollton, GA. By the grace of God, Pastor Baker shepherds young people weekly, host podcasts, writes blogs, has authored 4 books, and makes music. Pastor Baker has been happily married for over 27 years and fathers two sons.

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