Lil Nas X Goes Full Drag For Halloween

Lil Nas X a 2 time Grammy Award posted pictures of himself in full drag Halloween costume as rapper Nicki Minaj.  As a young person, parent, grandparent, or leader what do you think about this?  In my latest video below I discuss this and give my thoughts from a Biblical perspective.  Stay informed.

Psalm 139:14  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

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Over 25 years of pastoring youth and young adults under the leadership of Bishop Barry Walker in Carrollton, GA. By the grace of God, Pastor Baker shepherds young people weekly, host podcasts, writes blogs, has authored 4 books, and makes music. Pastor Baker has been happily married for over 27 years and fathers two sons.

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